The author does not adequately address power dynamics, systemic and structural inequities, and societal privileges. Additionally, there are broad generalisations made that lack accuracy and appear to be influenced by the author’s ableist, cisgender, heterosexual bias and dominant cultural perspectives. As a result, I experienced a notable sense of disconnect with certain examples and statements presented. However, some concepts are useful in very specific contexts and should be used with caution.
The key piece of advice is the principle of “let them” when faced with situations you wish to control but cannot. The “let me” aspect of this principle is particularly noteworthy, as it distinguishes between disengagement and active empowerment in one’s life. My most significant insight has been the realisation that many aspects of life are beyond our control. This book offers a clear and approachable understanding of the basic concepts of radical acceptance by using the mantra “let them” and “let me”.
The ABC Loop method (Apologise/Ask, Back Off, Celebrate) promotes positive change. This framework can assist folks in effectively navigating difficult conversations with significant people in their lives. By utilising ‘Apologise/Ask’ to alleviate tension, ‘Back Off’ to encourage autonomy, and ‘Celebrate’ to reinforce positive behaviour, this evidence-based approach offers valuable insights. This method can be used for some specific dynamics and talks about the importance of modelling the change you want to see.
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