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  • Writer's pictureRae Sabine

DBT Resources

Updated: Mar 22, 2023

Here are two DBT (Dialectical Behavior Therapy) resources I often get am enthusiastic to tell both my clients and supervisees about. Both can be found for around $10 digitally:

1. The Neurodivergent Friendly Workbook of DBT Skills by @livedexperienceeducator. Sonny Jane has successfully made DBT skills accessible, straight-forward and most importantly neurodivergent friendly. Found here:

2. DBT Skills Mindful Coloring Flashcards by @circledome_selfhelp. Circle Dome Self Help has included all 4 modules in this card set. This is a lovely mindful and creative way to remind, revise and reflect on DBT skills.

*Please note both these resources state that they are not replacements for therapy

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